Reprieve: Week of 23rd November 2020

By Philson - November 29, 2020

As I had mentioned last week, when you have one super ultra hectic week, then suddenly a week with nothing much to do, the contrast is huge. Not sure if it is just some calm before the storm, but I am going to enjoy it as much as possible while it lasts! This week was a chill week where we were mostly tying up loose ends and preparing for stuff to come. Overall, a happy week! 

Mon (23/11)

Today, boss was on leave which meant that the Monday morning meeting went okay without any major issues, which is nice. I was working from home too, which is a bonus as I get to take a short nap after lunch. Definitely an awesome perk to have when doing wfh. In the afternoon, we also received a package delivery which was the robot vacuum that my sister ordered. It's the Xiaomi Mijia 1C model, we just named it 'Jeff'. LOL. Interestingly enough, I posted about it on Instagram and got a few replies from ex-classmates asking me about it! I don't socialize much, so it's always nice when old acquaintances talk to me. But yeah, thankful to catch up with them over the robot vacuum topic haha. After dinner, I also walked out with sis to grab the 1 for 1 Starbucks deal and we both got a java chip frappuccino which was nice. Overall, a good day. 

Tue (24/11)

Again, not much work to do today. So, I actually went to hit up the intern to see if he got any documents that he needed me to review, then I dropped him a bunch of comments for him to work on. Dad came back home from work early, so he bought us some Roti Prata lunch from the usual Jalan Kayu place. It's quite nice albeit not as good as before. After work, Dad was nice enough to fetch me down to go get my iMac repaired. Something that I had been planning but putting off for many months now. It feels great to finally just go and get it done. It will likely take about 1 or 2 weeks to be done, but it's better than having a dead weight that does nothing. I also took the opportunity to clean up my mega dusty table! Bitcoin price was pumping today too, so I took the opportunity and made a quick $200 from a day trade. Good times. 

Wed (25/11)

Another pretty much free day. Working from home is the bomb, I'm not sure what people are complaining about really. I think they are just not used to being stuck at home. No problem there for me! I actually enjoy it. Today, I also got an update for the status for my iMac. Apparently there were some problems with the logic board, not the power supply as I suspected. They also tried to upsell me on some HDD replacement, but I wasn't having any of that. I just added on for new thermal paste because it was old and I wanted it changed. Dinner was awesome as we got KFC for the whole family. Super sinful and fattening, but oh so delicious and satisfying! 

Thur (26/11)

Back to office, but a surprisingly relaxed day with no scolding from boss! I'm not sure whether he is also in holiday mood or what, but I expected a worse time and was happily surprised. Lunch time, I decided to go try the Samurai Burger at Mcdonalds. Somehow managed to find a seat at the small outlet in Clifford Center. Lucky! After work, I actually had a gym session planned, but I forgot to bring my change of clothes. Had to rush home and grab a quick takeout dinner along the way. But I did make it to gym in the end, and all was fine and dandy. Thankfully I wasn't too late and still got a decent workout in. 

Fri (27/11)

Boss was on leave again, settling some of his renovation works. I find it sad that we are all always celebrating when boss is not around, it really shouldn't be that way. But it is what it is. The good thing is that, I managed to finish my first draft of the requirements document that I was supposed to work on, now just need to clarify some stuff and finalize it. After a million years of not touching mySQL, I also somehow managed to set it up in the afternoon. What's more I had to teach our Data Analyst how to get his up. Quite proud of myself there. LOL. After lunch, I noticed that ShopBack was having a deal on GongCha, and quickly snapped up the deal and redeemed my $1.50 bubble tea. Value! Dinner was pretty satisfying as well, we went to Han's at Seletar Mall to eat. I did see my old NTU classmate Augustine eating with his family, however I decided against going up to talk to him. Side note, but I am actually unsure about talking to people from my past now because I am not sure how they feel about me. I'm just awkward, not trying to avoid or be anti-social. So if you see me, please do feel free to engage me first, so that I know it is "safe" to talk to you. Sorry. :( 

Sat (28/11)

Today, I was supposed to go to my old pal Shaun's house for some home cooked lunch. However, due to some misunderstandings and turn of events, he was returning home late as well. So I took the time to explore and walk around Stevens MRT station and chat with another of our mutual friends there. Hmm, got quite a bit of gossip stuff that makes me concerned about my friend, but I shall save that for another time. Still it was nice to explore the area. Finally, I walked over to Shaun's house to eat lunch and hang out together with our usual gang. It was a very chill and relaxed day as we mostly just chit chat and lazed around at his house. Legit, one of them fell asleep on the couch until like 7:30 pm. LOL. I left much earlier to join my parents for dinner. Had my favorite Chicken Cutlet Ban Mian from Rivervale Mall. Delicious! 

Sun (29/11)

The usual lazy Sunday recharge and preparation for Monday back to work. Woke up close to noon for lunch. We had some Delifrance pastries that were kept in the fridge along with Nespresso coffee. Also made some curry noodles with the leftover curry from that day's Jalan Kayu Prata haha. Just add instant noodles and egg down to cook. Shiok! Spent the afternoon changing my bedsheets and binge watching YouTube as usual. Unfortunately, my MacBook batteries dies already, it automatically shuts off when I unplug it. I will need to get that replaced as well. Dinner was simple home cooked food and airfryer stuff. After dinner, I walked out with sis to go grab some drinks from the nearby mall. Took longer than usual, but was worth the wait I feel. Got my bubble tea. Satisfied. 

In a nutshell, a pretty relaxed week. A reprieve from the past few hectic weeks. I do have a premonition that things are going to pick up again very soon. But for now, I am going to make the most of what I have. I'd very much like to take this year end period to catch up with old friends and acquaintances. I'm just not sure which ones will talk to me again. So if you feel up to it, please do hit me up. I'd very much like to catch up with you. Just to hang out and chit chat. Other than that, let's all try to have a good time and enjoy the rest of 2020 as it comes to an end. We are going to make it! 

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