Ignorance: Blessings for Week of 13th October 2020

By Philson - October 18, 2020

Hey guys. I know I did say I wanted to try out the daily version of blessings log. Well, I did give it a try. Unfortunately, with the fatigue of my daily work week, it was hard to keep up the same effort daily. So my solution, is to revert back to the weekly versions that I will publish every Sunday night. The strategy is pretty simple. I will still keep track of stuff daily on my notes app, but I will only do the full post to sum up the week on Sundays. Monday was already done, so this one will start from Tuesday.

So without further ado let's go! 

Tue (13/10)

The working from office continues. I actually do feel somewhat more productive in office during the morning. Today I made a close friend with my hearing impaired colleague Khee Soon. He seemed really busy with work, so I offered to help him buy back lunch. Also, I finally managed to figure out that whole Shopback and Gong Cha situation, so I am happy I got my milk tea. For work, I cleared off another meeting in the long series of requirements gathering which was nice. I also got praised by boss for my previous meeting minutes! I guess my work really is better than I made it out to be. To end off the day, I got transport from the MRT station by dad again so I didn't have to walk. I am really thankful for that. 

Wed (14/10)

Was a pretty interesting day. I mean, work was busy, but work will always be work and shouldn't be the focus on your life. What was cool was that Khee Soon was nice enough to lead us out for lunch. So Andi, Khee Soon, and myself went out together for lunch. I am grateful that we can all be so nice and friendly with each other. We actually walked pretty far to get lunch, past the Microsoft building and all. We went to the hawker center next to Lau Pa Sat to get lunch. I had some pretty fragrant Nasi Lemak which wasn't too expensive, and then grabbed a Mr.Bean pearly soya milk on the way back. Evening got transport from dad again which I am always thankful for. 

Thur (15/10)

Work from home! Yippie! Our rotating schedule means I have the next 5 working days at home! I am just thankful that I get to have a bit more sleep in the morning because I don't have to wake up so early to travel. Another good thing was that I had the full uninterrupted day to really prepare for my big meeting with the boss and other directors. Was pretty crazy now that I think about it, I was the only low level staff there, and I was hosting the entire meeting by myself. Boss wasn't there to back me up. Thankfully, I think it went as well as I could have done it. To top it off, I managed to end the night by getting a really solid gym session in. I mean like hardcore chest and upper body training. My favorite. 

Fri (16/10)

It was a relatively stress-free day which was nice. Didn't have too much work coming in. I did manage to brief the offshore developers via Skype and finally get them off my back, ha ha. Honestly, it shouldn't be that hard to get some work done without getting questioned every step of the way. Glad I cleared that out. Evening was nice, took a walk out with sis to grab our usual R&B brown sugar milk tea. The pearls are really awesome, sweet and chewy. It doesn't really matter how your day went. Bubble tea always makes it better! 

Sat (17/10)

Went out with the family in the afternoon to grab lunch and groceries. We headed to that super huge Giant in Tampines. To my surprise, since I always complained about their food court, they now had a pretty legit western stall. And you know what? The western stall had the same set meal that I always bought from the Jem food court. It's basically fried fish, cheese fries, agli olio, and cream of mushroom soup all rolled into one power packed set meal. Nice! Dinner was coincidentally fried fish again. Managed to get sis to tapau some food from Donki for my dinner. Also, I found a pretty funny new anime and added it to my current season watching list. It is called: "The Day I Became a God"

Sun (18/10)

Had a pretty good rest with my weekend sleep ins. Lunch was the corn dogs bought from Donki, pretty nice. I spent the afternoon going through the recording of the meeting that I hosted. The meeting minutes will need to be done, so I was just glad that I managed to get all the preliminary notes down first. I can do all the rephrasing and organization in the actual work week, I just used this as a way to lessen my pain when I actually work on it. Managed to get some chatting with Naimin over messenger as well, which is always helpful to get some perspectives. Dinner was some pretty nice tapau Zhi Char noodles and Oreo Crush drink from Hougang Green. Ended off the night by doing some Pilates training with sis. I don't think it does super much for my weight loss, but it should help a bit, plus it lets us bond a bit somewhat so I'll always try to do it if I have the time. Cherish those around you.  

Those are some powerful lyrics btw.

Another week draws to a close, and another week of opportunities opens. Let's make the most of our time here, and enjoy whatever we can. It's not worth feeling down over insignificant matters. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. 

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