Perspectives: Week of 5th October 2020

By Philson - October 11, 2020

Wow, it has been a pretty long week. First week of going back to office. Even though it was only for 2 days this past week, it felt way different from just working from home. I think it's probably the travelling time and dressing up that tires me the most, but it does make me more productive. Anyway, that is not what this blog post is about. I don't do introspective reflections blogs anymore. This post will be a continuation of the exercise I started in the first post. 

Blessing log. Let's go!

Mon (5/10)

It was first day of the week. I am just thankful for the fact I wasn't the first group going back to office. I had people to ask and people to bring cables and stuff and clean up the place. Oh, and I also advanced to the Ruby League on Duolingo! Yay! 

Tue (6/10)

I received the e-copy of my confirmation letter from HR which is good because it means they can't fire me without at least 1 month notice. Hahaha. Also, I had my colleague Sam help me out with handling the super confused offshore developers understand what needs to be done. I am really thankful for that. In addition, I managed to book the ever elusive gym slot for Fri. It always disappears very quickly. Lucky! 

Wed (7/10)

I received my official staff member account, which allows me to login to the member app and website should I choose to. Member card should be coming soon. Feels good to be part of a prestigious club. At night, had an evening walk out with sis to buy bubble tea. Apparently LiHo had a $3.40 promo discount with Foodpanda. Value. Also, my dad helped me with ironing my work shirts. I know I should really do it myself, but still I am very grateful that helped me with it. Thanks dad! 

Thur (8/10)

First day back in office. Very small space and few people, but I am just glad that everyone at the office is really friendly. It's a good start. I also finally received my physical confirmation letter and past payslips. Not super important, but feels good to have the hardcopy with me. Also, I made a close friend with my colleague Andi who apparently is the same age as me. Looking forward to working together and hopefully building the friendship deeper.  

Fri (9/10)

TGIF! Managed to clear one round of requirements discussion with my business users. Overall, I think it went pretty smoothly for the first discussion ran by me. Cleared as much work as I could before leaving work. I was happy that I got to do my gym which I was looking forward to. It was at 9pm, so I had plenty of time to travel and eat and stuff. I am grateful that my best friend Naimin obliged to chatting with me over messenger for that period of time. It really help me build perspective on my work stress and what I should really be focusing on in life. Work isn't everything and he is right. I am really blessed to have a good friend like him. 

Sat (10/10)

Happy World Mental Health Awareness Day! It's something I've become more passionate about lately, especially with all the struggles I've been through. Certainly needs more awareness! I've been playing around with a small amount DeFi and managed to collect a bunch of rewards and stake back what I earned to farm even more. There are risks, but at least I get to play around and learn the workings for now. After dinner, sis shared with me another good deal! Gong Cha bubble tea at $2.50 in Shopback. Value! Also, Naimin shared with me some ideas regarding earning crypto interest on Nexo. I am thankful for that info and will research more into it. 

Sun (11/10) 

Buffet day! I met up with my usual group of cosplay event friends to go eat sushi buffet at M Hotel. It was a lot of food! Personally, I don't really eat seafood, let alone raw fish. But still I am really thankful for the opportunity to catch up with old friends, chit chat and walk around after. It's unfortunate that most events got cancelled, so I cherish these opportunities to meet up. We even took a bus down to Funan just so I could go see it, because I haven't been there since it renovated. So nice of them to oblige me on that. Overall, I had a really fun day and I am supercharged and refuelled for the coming work week. 

Well, that's about it for this week of happiness log. I had to keep it as brief and quick as possible because I don't have much time. I am still experimenting with this right now. Maybe weekly is not the right way to go, and I should do a quick daily one while everything is still fresh in the mind. I will need a few more rounds of experimenting to figure out what works best for me. In the meantime, let's enjoy this uplifting song from a group whose music I have been really enjoying lately.

Have really been enjoying YOASOBI songs lately.

Until next time, stay happy ~ 

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