Persistence: Blessings for Week of 19th October 2020

By Philson - October 25, 2020

Feels like I'm saying this every week, but it has been a pretty long and stressful week. Some particularly heavy stuff happened this week which put a lot of pressure on me mentally and emotionally. However, it certainly isn't all bad though. There are certainly positive takeaways from the situation, and of course many blessings throughout the week. And I would like to share them here. 

Mon (19/10)

I had managed to clear that huge meeting minutes from the meeting that I hosted the previous week. It was certainly not easy to put everything in neatly, especially with the blunder that I made regarding the timeline. Glad that it was cleared at least. Also managed to chat with Naimin over messenger again, which helped my perspectives as usual. The rest of the day didn't have much on. Dinner was a satisfying Mee Pok plus Bubble Tea which is always great. 

Tue (20/10)

So apparently I sent out a very "bad" email which my boss didn't like. He was clearly not happy about it. Thankfully, I received some advice on the situation from my fellow colleagues at work. I am grateful that at least some guidance was provided. Lunch was a super satisfying Roti Prata from our favorite Jalan Kayu, it was awesome. Boss continued to express his displeasure, which was stressful. But in the end, I managed to get in a good gym session to round out the night. Which is the best way to beat stress! 

Wed (21/10)

In the morning, I got the proper scolding session from boss in front of everyone (online), which to be honest was kinda stressful. But hey, at least I can put that behind and I am thankful that the worst is over! Plus I had a nice McDonald's dinner courtesy of my dad who went out to buy for us. I am very grateful that he did that. It certainly makes a bad day much better! Some time in the evening, I also received a sort of 'saving grace' email that the other department couldn't deliver by Friday as well, which was the hard deadline I was given for everything. That gave me some breathing room at least, which I was really happy and relieved that I got. 

Thur (22/10)

Back to office again. Work is tough as it is my first time doing this type of document. Thankfully, I had a lot of help from the developers on the API documentation. Lunch was fun. Not many people in office, so Khee Soon brought me out for lunch again. We went to some chinese rice place near Asia Square. The chicken cutlet is really nice and pretty affordable. After lunch, we also went to LiHo to try out their new matcha series of drinks. It was okay only, but at least I get to try something new, which is always refreshing. I am also thankful that, after all the scolding, boss helped me to solve a lot of the problems that needed to be solved. 

Fri (23/10)

Friday was a productive day. After some chasing, I managed to get all the signatures that I needed to endorse my documents. After all the struggles in the previous month, it came as a pleasant surprise that it could be done so quickly. I also brought my Dota jacket to work as the aircon was cold. Who knew that it would become such a talking point. Andi asked me about it, which was no surprise, but even the head of finance talked to me about it. We bonded pretty well as he told me how he used to play LAN in his uni days. LOL. I guess I am on talking terms with finance now! Dinner was awesome. Our family went out to celebrate the end of the week by eating some Fish and Co. Good stuff. 

Sat (24/10)

It was a pretty satisfying day. I like to take my full Saturday to relax and recharge. If there is any work I wanna do, I will push it to Sunday for just before the week starts. My Saturdays are sacred that way. And rest and relax I did. Morning, we went to Boon Keng Market, where I got to try the fried png kuay that my sis recommended. It was good! Also got to try the pretty nice Bober and took some pictures. I even got to take a nap in the afternoon. Talk about rested! Dinner was mostly leftover food from the fridge that we had a lot of. Grateful for sis who helped up prepare all of it. Also did that pilates workout with her at night. What was fun, was her trying the wax strips on my leg after that. Hahaha. Surprisingly it did not hurt at all! I might look into doing my entire leg of it some time. Been wanting to try it for awhile now. 

Sun (25/10)

Today was a lazy Sunday. I felt like I should have done more work. But at the same time, I was really exhausted form the week, so I think I deserved the rest. I did prepare some notes for the big meeting tomorrow. Morning was pretty chill, went out for lunch with the family, got to enjoy my favorite fried rice with chicken cutlet and milo bubble tea. Spend most of the rest of the day just watching some YouTube videos and recharging for the upcoming week ahead. Dinner was simple home cooked food and Cup Walker that sis bought for me on her way back. Nice. 

Well, that's it for now. I guess the moral or theme for this past week was "Persistence". As long as we just hang in there and keep at it, it will all work out to be okay in the end. So, here's to another week of persistence and keeping strong at doing what we're doing! Gambatte! 

Stay Strong!

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