Blessings: 12 October 2020

By Philson - October 12, 2020

It's Monday! Another new week of opportunities. Since I have some time, and I basically planned out my whole week already, I decided to try out a daily version of the blessings log. This morning I spent a bit of time to list out everything that I needed to get done which was refreshing. Things are just a lot clearer and less gunked up in my head if I write it down. I might actually get better at time management!

My morning commute to work was pretty smooth. I even managed to get a seat in the train today. Nice. Not too much work today as I had prepared my notes last night, so only simple rephrasing and formatting of the meeting minutes to be sent out. Boss was in a good mood, so not much pressure coming from his side as well which is always a good time. 

Lunch was rather peaceful. Didn't have any buddies to go lunch with today, so I just explored on my own. I found out that there was a Gong Cha in the nearby mall. Although I didn't managed to buy today, it is useful information scouted out! I really appreciate that my office provides coffee and tea in the pantry for us. The genmaicha is a saver for me in the morning as I always skip breakfast for fasting. The hazelnut gao siew dai coffee also makes a nice afternoon drink to keep me awake after lunch. Maybe I can even thrift out and save on the bubble tea and calories! Idea.

My evening was cool. I decided to just send out the meeting invite and get that out of the way so I could go home and not do OT for no reason. Turns out, my family was planning to buy Ponggol Nasi Lemak for dinner! Just nice when I reach the station, they were nearby enough to also give me a lift. Sweet! A good way to end the day. Also received a friendly tip from sis to start using myfitnesspal to track my calories and start taking my weight loss more seriously. Sounds like it might work, I'll give it a shot. 


So that's all for my day. Hope you had a great day too!

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